
Showing posts with the label Stories That Touch

I am naturally light skinned but my boyfriend wants me to become dark skinned & stop going to work

FROM MESSAGE BOX: I am a lady that was born beautiful, tall and light skinned. I met this man who is tall & dark skinned in church during praise & worship program and he seemed nice at first. We started the talking stage  and we introduced each other to our families. So as we want to start planning a wedding, the talking got deeper. One day, he told me that after our wedding I will stop using the creams I'm using and I will be using ordinary shea butter or ordinary Vaseline because he prefer his woman to be brown skinned or dark skinned.  I was like, didn't you see that I was light skinned before you approached me?? He told me that because men are always more attracted to fair skinned women so I should become dark/brown skinned so that I will not always be attracted to men. He also said I'll stop going to work & work at home instead, I'll stop wearing fitted dress and wear loosed dresses instead, I'll stop wearing lipsticks, I'll stop pos

My husband wants my investment to collapse

FROM MESSAGE BOX: Hello everybody. Me and my husband has been married for 24 years with 5 kids. Years ago, he got a factory job in another country so he went there and always sent money but the money was never enough for bills, children's school fees & feeding. I, as the wife always add to it every time.  The remaining money from my business is what I used to buy 2 plots of land. Before my husband travelled, we already built a house together where we live in. So I started building of the house on my land till it's reached the top, but it was not roofed yet when my husband came back from his travel.  I showed him the house and he changed towards me since then. Afterwards, he told me to stop continuing the building and that I should not roof it. I stopped going to the building for like 3 years. One day, I decided to go and see the building and I saw that a part of the building has collapsed. The neighbors there told me to stop ignoring the building in order to sto

My husband is begging me to come back after I almost died because of him while my dad & mom are fighting over it

FROM MESSAGE BOX: Hello everyone. As a young lady I met my husband who is an engineer as a quiet person. After we did traditional wedding and had a boy, he started changing & showing his true colors. Always complaining of things he didn't complain about before we had a child. Most things irritates him & sometimes he'll slap & hit me. My mom kept telling me to keep enduring but I didn't tell my dad about it at first. My mom and dad separated already so she does not want me to have a broken home. After our baby boy clocked 2 years, he brought home a woman who was his ex girlfriend before I met him. He said he impregnated her & wanted to marry her as second wife. I told him that as a monogamous christian, I will never accept polygamy. I told him to get another place for his pregnant girlfriend and he insisted that it's his house and he can bring who ever he wants to. The house that my husband built has 3 rooms, my husband sleeps in one, I have o

The weapon fashioned against me is my husband...

FROM MESSAGE BOX: I'm a married woman with 4 kids. I'm also a graduate who used to work as a supervisor at a drink store. I've been a member of two different multipurpose cooperative societies before I got married to my husband who's a salary earner. When my husband bought his first land, and didn't have money to build on it. I borrowed money from  the cooperative & gave it to him. He did not pay it back, I was the one who paid it back from my salary. So many times I've borrowed money and gave it to my husband like that several times till we finished building the house & moved in. I even kept praying till my husband got promoted to company manager where he is working.  Now, the company that I was working for changed management & they sacked all old staffs including me. I now thought I should open my own drinks company. I told my husband about it and he said I shouldn't create my own company, instead I should go and look for job else w

Finally, got a job but there's a problem

FROM MESSAGE BOX:  Me & my hubby has been married for 4 years now & we have two kids - a male & female. He works as a mechanic & financially we're struggling a lot. I used to have a provisional store but it has drained because we kept eating from the shop & using money that's meant to buy more goods, to pay bills. To the point that I've become so slim and when I go out, people question me. People ask me if I'm sick or battling illnesses because I used to be chubby & fair before I got married, but now I'm very tiny & unhealthily black.   So, since the shop wasn't doing well, I decided to look for job. I took my CV to different places but most places don't want to hire married woman that has a child with her- I'm still carrying my youngest child everywhere I go as she's a 1 year old girl that just started walking little by little.  The only place that they wanted to hire me was a female chef at a hotel's kitc

Should I quit my job in the city & move to my boyfriend's hometown???

FROM MESSAGE BOX: I met my boyfriend when we were in college in the city. After we graduated, he moved back to his hometown and he's managing his dad's store. As for me, I got a job at a nice company in the city. Recently, he told me that he wants me to quit my job in the city & move to his hometown. He also told me that they have a free apartment in their family house where I can stay till we get married. When I asked him about the job that I'll be doing, he told me that I can find a new job in his hometown and if not, I will open a shop.  When I told my parents, they said I shouldn't do it that a man who hasn't married me does not have rights to ask me such things.  So I told him to come and know my family properly & marry me, so that we can plan our lives together, he told me that I should quit my job first. He added that if I don't quit my job, his people will not come for any introduction.  I decided not to quit my job in the city but no


FROM MESSAGE BOX: My husband has amnesia since the accident that he had. Now, he doesn't remember me  instead he remembers his first relationship. The lady from his first relationship is separated from her own husband & we live in the same state like two communities from our location. I'm thinking about planning a relocation, my husband's people supports the change of location. But my husband is insisting that he wants to stay.  My husband & this lady from his first relationship are talking. My husband prefers to stay with her, talk to her & eat with her than me.  Pls I need your advice. How can I get my husband away from this woman?  How can I get my husband to remember me as his wife?  The doctor is trying but I need something that will work fast. 

Advice me, I am angry & sad & I want to spoil my ex's wedding day

FROM MESSAGE BOX: My name is Prevail, I am 30 years old man. I had a lady that I was dating for almost two years, her name, Rita. Few months ago, my childhood friend Mark came back to town and I allowed him to stay at my apartment which I rented for myself. Mark was trying to get back on his feet so I gave him free accomodation at my place. Rita usually came over but I didn't notice anything off. Then, I told Rita that I wanted to introduce her to my family and she started acting strange. Everytime I wanted to take her to my family, she always say something to dodge it. Afterwards, three months ago, I got a text from Rita that she was no longer interested in me. Imagine, she broke up with me through 'text message'. I tried to reach her to change her mind, but she was nowhere to be found. Her place & her friends, she literally disappeared. That same week, Mark moved out of my place that he got a contract job in another state. After the break up, I tried to da